CAROLINE MINNIS qualified as a holistic Aromatherapy masseur in Brighton in 1998, and has gained extensive experience in Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology & Acupressure Facial Massage using her knowledge of Essential Oils. The underlying approach to her treatment methodology is person-centred, such that the client is encouraged to heal themselves both on an outer, physical level and also on a more subtle, yet powerful, inner level. Health and well-being is achieved through the transformative changes we make once the deeper, intuitive energies are tapped, and Caroline uses Body Work, Essential Oils, Meditation, and Chakra Balancing as tools towards a holistic state of harmony.
Initial treatments are always preceded by a thorough Client Consultation, and can last from 30 minutes to 1½ hours depending on the client needs. Follow-up treatments are encouraged. All personal details are treated in the strictest confidence. Both sexes welcome.
Mobile home visits in the Sussex/London areas can be arranged, and other services include Workshops, Talks, Educational Courses (non-certificated), Retreats, Group Work, & Pamper and Leisure Days.
Please call 07891291925 for further details on all treatment plans. Fees start at £25.00